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Respected biophysicists body supports fight against virus

Updated: 2020-03-20


Guo Jianjun, director of the sports medicine academic subgroup of the BSC, conducts training on sports-medicine integration in Beijing Chaoyang Hospital. [Photo/BSC]

To offer scientific innovation support for fighting the novel coronavirus epidemic, the Biophysical Society of China -- the non-governmental national organization for Chinese biophysicists formed to promote academic exchanges -- recently launched a technical experts service group, according to BSC officials.

Society officials said the group mainly consists of experts from the sports medicine academic subgroup of the BSC.

Its members cooperated with experts from the Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine in designing rehabilitation gymnastics for patients in emergency pop-up hospitals in Wuhan, capital of Central China’s Hubei province and one of the areas hard-hit by the coronavirus outbreak.

The group also cooperated with Guang’anmen Hospital, Wuhan Sports University and Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital to conduct research on rehabilitation training.

It began to formulate a series of national standards for the construction of physical and medical integration rehabilitation sites.

In addition, the service group will carry out physical and medical health theory and technology training with the Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, Wuhan Sports University, and the school of sports medicine of Chongqing Medical University.

It will also jointly build clinical practice training bases with Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Guang'anmen Hospital, Peking University Hospital and Haidian Hospital.