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BSC to screen movie in celebration of sci-tech workers day

Updated: 2022-05-20

The sixth National Science and Technology Workers Day falls on May 30. The Biophysical Society of China (BSC) is to launch an original movie, The Adventure of Mouse, on May 22, to celebrate and promote the science spirit.


BSC will launch its original movie, The Adventure of Mouse, on May 22 in celebration of the sixth National Science and Technology Workers Day. [Photo/bsc.org.cn]

The movie will have its premiere at the Institute of Biophysics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, starting from 3:00 pm. It will be broadcast live on Bilibili, a video-sharing platform in China, and Zhihu, China's largest Q&A platform.

The BSC will also hold a livestreaming event themed on the 18th Public Science Day. Scientists will explain the relationship between animals’ natural acts and their neural circuits, the significant differences in exercise ability among siblings, and the linkage between recognition and perception through experiments.

Scan the following QR codes to enter the live broadcast platforms.


BSC’s live broadcast platform on Bilibili


BSC’s official Zhihu account