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Protein & Cell’s impact factor sees steady increase

Updated: 2022-07-05

Protein & Cell, a comprehensive international academic journal, had an annual impact factor of 15.328 last year, according to the 2021 Journal Citation Reports published by global analytics firm Clarivate on June 28.

The journal ranks 45th among the 203 global cell biology journals included in SCI. In 2021, it recorded a CiteScore index of 19.4, compared with 14.2 in 2020, and ranked ninth among 293 journals in multiple related disciplines including pharmacy, biochemistry and molecular biology, according to statistics released by Scopus.


A screenshot of Protein & Cell’s 2021 annual impact factor. [Photo/bsc.org.cn]

Founded in January 2010 by the Biophysical Society of China, Higher Education Press and the Beijing Institutes of Life Science at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Protein & Cell is a monthly publication both online and in print with full text open access.

It focuses on the latest research achievements and pivotal frontiers in life science and biomedicine, covering molecules, cells, model biology, biotechnology and basic and clinical medicine. Its research objects range from microorganisms, plants, animals to human bodies.

The journal publishes various types of articles, including research papers, reviews, news comments and character stories.

Protein & Cell has always insisted on opening up a “green channel” for excellent research achievements obtained by Chinese scholars, especially young ones, publishing innovative research results of Chinese scientists in a timely and neutral manner and improving the possibility for the voice of the Chinese scholars to be heard by global audiences.

Recollection, the journal’s featured column that introduces Chinese biologists’ outstanding achievements and important events in life sciences, has served as a significant channel to present the development path of the discipline.

The continuously climbing impact factors of Protein & Cell have benefited from the support of fellow practitioners at home and abroad.

Starting from 2023, the journal will join hands with Oxford University Press to enhance overseas distribution and expand international influence. Standing at a new starting point, it is committed to providing a broader platform where the Chinese scholars can better express their views.

Meanwhile, the journal will maintain its original intentions, serve the scientific community and strive to build a global brand with high academic standards, strong readability and distinctive characteristics.

For more information about the journal, please visit: http://www.protein-cell.org