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In pics: Nanozyme session held with success

Updated: 2023-07-24

The nanozyme session, part of the 20th Chinese Biophysics Congress, took place in Changsha, Hunan province on July 21, marking a significant stride in the realm of cutting-edge biophysics research. 

With the theme "Nanozymes: Challenges and opportunities for next generation of artificial enzymes", the session attracted a diverse array of prominent researchers and experts in the academic field. 

The event was co-chaired by Yan Xiyun from the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and Qu Xiaogang, researcher from the CAS Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, and signified a new chapter in China's advancements in nanozymes. 


Yan Xiyun from the CAS Institute of Biophysics addresses the session. [Photo/WeChat account: BSC] 

Invited reports


Chen Chunying, a research fellow from the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, gives a speech titled “Chemical and Biophysical Signatures of the Protein Corona in Nanomedicine”. [Photo/WeChat account: BSC]


Professor Gao Xueyun from Beijing University of Technology delivers a report on quantitative analysis of CTC in lung cancer. [Photo/WeChat account: BSC]


Professor Zhao Yanli from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, delivers a report titled “Metal-organic Framework Derived Nanozymes for Therapeutic Applications”. [Photo/WeChat account: BSC]


Professor Mao Zhengwei from Zhejiang University gives a speech on probiotic/nanoenzyme composite active materials for regulating ROS homeostasis. [Photo/WeChat account: BSC]


Professor Huang Xinglu from Nankai University lectures on AI nanoenzymes. [Photo/WeChat account: BSC]


Professor Liu Huiyu from Beijing University of Chemical Technology delivers a report on structure and performance regulation of photo-controlled nanoenzymes. [Photo/WeChat account: BSC]


Wang Jing, a research fellow from the National Institute of Metrology of China, shares research on biometrics and the traceability of nucleic acid protein characteristic values. [Photo/WeChat account: BSC]