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Journal hosted by BSC subgroup indexed in ESCI

Updated: 2024-05-16

The journal Exploration has recently been indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) database, marking a significant milestone.  


Exploration has recently been indexed in the ESCI database. [Photo/WeChat account: BSC] 

The ESCI indexation marks a remarkable achievement for Exploration, following its prior inclusions in DOAJ, PubMed Central and Scopus. The journal has consistently maintained strict quality standard of its articles, benchmarking against renowned multidisciplinary journals such as Nature Communications and Science Advances. It is expected to obtain its first impact factor in June 2025.

Exploration is hosted by Henan University and the Nanobiology Academic Subgroup of the Biophysical Society of China (BSC) and published by the American publishing house John Wiley & Sons.

Its inclusion in the ESCI signifies Exploration's further recognition from the international academic and publishing communities regarding standards and potential and underscores the continuous enhancement of its global influence as a world-class scientific journal.

Launched by global analytical firm Clarivate Analytics in November 2015, the ESCI is a new edition within the Web of Science Core Collection, encompassing high-quality and peer-reviewed academic journals that have regional importance and cover emerging scientific fields.

Once included in the database, articles published by Exploration since its inception will be indexed, allowing their retrieval on the Web of Science.

Exploration is an international, interdisciplinary and high-quality open-access journal aimed at fostering the growth of interdisciplinary science and technology through the publication of cutting-edge research articles, communications, reviews, perspectives and commentaries.

It focuses on breaking boundaries between traditional research fields, disseminating key research findings to the general public and boosting interdisciplinary collaboration. Its vision is to provide profound insight into future science and technology, promote novel integration of interdisciplinary studies and explore new methods for overcoming obstacles faced by societal sustainable development.

Since its official launch in January 2021, Exploration has published 17 issues in four volumes, comprising 179 articles with over 4,500 citations, averaging 25.3 citations per article, and an i10 index of 97.

Among its editorial board are 12 academicians with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and 59 international members, including 14 academicians from the United States, Australia, several European countries, Japan and South Korea.

Exploration has also hosted over 20 large-scale international academic exchange events, as well as almost 30 master lectures, science forums and youth lectures. These efforts have generated remarkable achievements in team building, journal development and academic exchange.