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Notice for the 2025 Annual National Conference on Terahertz Biophysics
Updated: 2025-01-22
The 2025 Annual National Conference on Terahertz Biophysics will be held in Beijing from Feb 21 to 23, with the aim of further promoting the development of terahertz science and technology in China and facilitating academic exchange.
This conference will invite renowned academicians, experts and scholars to deliver plenary speeches on the latest research progress, cutting-edge theories and technological advancements in terahertz biophysics and related fields. It will also feature parallel sessions and panel discussions.
I. Conference agenda
Feb 21: Registration
Feb 22 (Morning): Opening ceremony & plenary speeches
Feb 22 (Afternoon): Parallel session presentations
Feb 23: Parallel session presentations
II. Organization
Terahertz Biophysics Academic Subgroup, Biophysical Society of China (BSC)
Academic support:
Research (The First Science Partner Journal)
Capital Normal University
Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Peking University Health Science Center
Taiyuan University of Technology
Springer Nature Group
Beijing Broad Hengtong Technology Development Co Ltd
Beijing Zhuhai Convention and Exhibition Services Co Ltd
Professional Committee on Terahertz for Young Scientists, China Institute of Electronics
Conference advisor:
Rao Zihe, CAS academician, Tsinghua University
Conference chairs:
Fang Fuquan, CAS academician, Capital Normal University
Ma Yuqiang, CAS academician, Nanjing University
Liu Yongjian, CAE academician, Air Force Research Institute
Ouyang Xiaoping, CAE academician, Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology
Sun Changpu, CAS academician, China Academy of Engineering Physics
Shi Shengcai, CAS academician, Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS
Fan Chunhai, CAS academician, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Zhang Ping, CAS academician, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS
Cui Tiejun, CAS academician, Southeast University
Wang Enge, CAS academician, Peking University
Shen Xingquan, Party secretary, Taiyuan University of Technology
Zhuang Songlin, CAE academician, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Distinguished guests:
Ouyang Zhongcan, CAS academician, Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS
Chang Kai, CAS academician, Zhejiang University
Chen Hesheng, CAS academician, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
Ouyang Qi, CAS academician, Peking University
Li Huihong, director, Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Organizing committee chairs:
Chang Chao, Qi Feng, Zhao Lidong, He Mingxia, Ge Qinggang, Zhang Liangliang, Jin Biaobing, Zhang Cunlin, Yan Xueqing
Organizing committee secretaries:
Zhao Li, Wang Huabin, Wang Ride
III. Conference topics
The conference will feature the following eight thematic sessions:
1. Terahertz biophysics
2. Terahertz detection and imaging
3. Terahertz generation technology
4. Terahertz biomedicine
5. Terahertz characterization and sensing
6. Terahertz and water
7. Terahertz optics and strong-field effects
8. Terahertz biological effects
IV. Conference program
The annual conference will feature a variety of academic activities, including plenary keynote speeches, invited talks at parallel sessions, oral presentations and poster presentations.
To encourage participation and recognize outstanding talent in terahertz biophysics, the conference will include awards for outstanding scientific researchers, outstanding conference organizers and outstanding graduate student papers. Certificates will be issued by the BSC’s Terahertz Biophysics Academic Subgroup.
The Fifth Meeting of the First Council will also be convened during the conference.
V. Abstract submission
1. Abstracts:
The abstract should not exceed one page and include the title, authors, affiliations, abstract body, references and author biographies (please refer to the conference website’s download center for the specific format). The submission deadline for abstracts is Jan 20. The submitted abstracts will be reviewed and selected by parallel session chairs, and notification of acceptance types will be sent to the authors on Jan 25.
2. Special issue in collaboration with Research (JCR Q1): A special issue has been arranged in collaboration with the journal Research. Interested parties may inquire via email at thzbio2024@vip.163.com.
3. EI Compendex-indexed proceedings in collaboration with Springer Nature: Full papers accepted and presented at the conference will be published in Springer Proceedings in Physics (ISSN 1867-4941, indexed by EI Compendex) by Springer Nature Group.
Please send submissions to thzbio2024@vip.163.com. Full paper submission deadline is Jan 20.
4. Awards & applications: Please refer to the conference website’s download center for application forms for the outstanding scientific researcher award, outstanding young paper award and outstanding graduate student paper award. Please submit the completed forms to thzbio2024@vip.163.com. The application deadline for outstanding scientific researchers, outstanding graduate student papers and outstanding conference organizers is Jan 20.
5. Poster requirements:
Size: 90 cm (width) × 120 cm (height)
Posters should be prepared by participants and brought to the conference venue.
VI. Registration and payment
Please visit the conference website to register: https://www.science-conference.pro/1022/cn/index.html
The registration fee includes conference materials, lunches and tea breaks during the conference, as well as dinner on Feb 21.
VII. Contact
1. Registration inquiry
Jiao Wanxiao
Email: jiaowanxiao@bsc.org.cn
Tel: +86-13699155937
2. Submission inquiry
Li Wenbo
Email: thzbio2024@vip.163.com
Tel: +86-13911982027
3. Exhibition inquiry
Du Shan
Tel: +86-18301537873