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Chinese research group finds new methods for understanding mechanism of traumatic brain injury
A paper published in the journal Biophysics Report on Aug 1, reveals new methods found by a Chinese group for understanding the mechanism behind traumatic brain injury.
Chinese researchers reveal vital insights into age-linked susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2
Findings of Chinese researchers in a paper entitled Single-Cell Transcriptomic Atlas of Primate Cardiopulmonary Aging -- published in the journal Cell Research on Sept 10 -- depict the first transcriptomic atlas of the aged primate cardiopulmonary system.
China unveils rules on handling scientific research violations
China's Ministry of Science and Technology has rolled out interim provisions specifying penalties for 64 types of scientific research violations.
Biophysical Society of China aims to improve member services
The Biophysical Society of China (BSC) held a conference on the work being done by its branches in the current year at the Institute of Biophysics of Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing on Sept 2, attracting the participation of 32 representatives from its 27 branches, according to BSC officials.
Researchers develop new way to boost photosynthesis in algae
Chinese researchers have developed a novel way to boost natural photosynthesis in algae, a key process for making biofuels.
Researchers discover how plants play defense
A Shanghai research team has discovered the mechanism through which plants respond to threats from pathogens, which could pave the way for creating plant resistance to pathogen-caused diseases while maintaining a high crop yield, scientists said.