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  • A glance at 2019

    A glance at 2019


    2019 was a fruitful year for the Biophysical Society of China. The scale of BSC has continued to grow and its influence on global academic stage has kept increasing.

  • BSC holds major biological seminar

    BSC holds major biological seminar


    The first International Symposium on Biological Phase Separation and Phase Change was held in Hefei, Anhui province on Nov 14-17.

  • Young BSC academics attend international conference

    Young BSC academics attend international conference


    The 2019 ASCB | EMBO Meeting organized by the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) and the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) was held in Washington, DC, the United States, on Dec 7.

  • Trace element meeting of BSC proves a success


    The annual meeting of the Biological Trace Elements Branch of the Biophysical Society of China (BSC) and the 4th China International Conference on Biological Trace Elements were held at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province on Nov 30.

  • Workshop for structural biologists concluded


    The Fifth Chinese Workshop for Structural Biologists was organized from Nov 23 to 28 at the Institute of Biophysics of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Tsinghua University.

  • Nanobiology young scientists forum held in Henan

    Nanobiology young scientists forum held in Henan


    A forum for young scientists studying nano-biotechnology and nano-medicine was held in Kaifeng, Henan province on Nov 2-3.

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