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Workshop for structural biologists to open in Beijing
The 5th Chinese workshop for structural biologists is scheduled to be held on Nov 23-28 in Beijing. It is co-organized by Biophysical Society of China, Tsinghua University and Institute of Biophysics CAS.
Important nanozymes symposium held
A symposium focusing on nanozymes for bioanalysis and beyond was held at the 258th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition from Aug 27 to 28.
Major academician science award conferred on American
Robert G. Roeder, a world-famous biochemist and molecular biologist, was conferred with the BEI Shizhang International Award at a conference hosted by Tsinghua University on Aug 15.
Biomagnetics resonance forum proves a success
The Biomagnetics Resonance Forum of the 17th China Biomedical Conference was successfully held by the Biomagnetics Resonance Branch of BSC during in Tianjin on August 4.
Mechanobiology 2020 conference to be held in Australia
The Mechanobiology 2020 conference is scheduled to be held at the University of Sydney in Australia from Nov 1 to 4 in 2020.
Nanozyme Branch established in BSC
The Nanozyme Branch of the Biophysical Society of China was established during the 17th Chinese Biophysics Congress in Tianjing on Aug 3.